About City Toyota

Welcome to City Toyota

City Toyota is one of Western Australia’s youngest dealerships, starting in 1997.

Since that time we have achieved many awards both local and national, including METRO DEALER OF THE YEAR for the past 6 years.

However the most prestigious award is THE PRESIDENT’S AWARD that is for outstanding achievement in all facets of the business Sales, Service, Parts, Business Management and Customer Relations. City Toyota has won this award three times the last being for 2012.

Metro Dealer of the Year

Serving the Community

City Toyota has been helping and serving the community every day since first opened for business in 1997, we sponsor many organisations throughout our local area and take part actively in a number of these organisations.

We has also been involved, for the past 14 years with Planet Ark and Toyota National Tree Day, helping schools, disabled associations, aged care villages and community homes in planting thousands of native trees and shrubs to help our environment.

We all work daily to ensure that all of our customers have the very best possible service no matter what area they come into contact with us, this will always remain our Number 1 focus.

Company Mission Statement

Aceway Nominees Pty Ltd trading as City Toyota is committed to satisfying the motoring requirements of our present and future customers providing quality, value and customer service in every respect. We believe in -

Our People

Our most valued asset:
"We are commiitted to providing satisfying and meaningful employment in the workplace. Offering recognition, personal development and training."

Our Customers

First and foremost:
"We are responsible to the needs of our customers, providing value and total satisfaction with quality service and products."

Our Suppliers

Providers of Quality Products:
"We will deal with all of our suppliers fairly and support the marketing of their products."

Our Directors

Our Founders:
"We will always operate in a professional, honest and ethical manner to deliver a fair return to our investors."

Our Community

Proud to be part of:
"We are committed to supporting our community and playing an active role where ever possible."